Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Cakkavatti Sihanada Sutta revisited

Cakkavatti Sihanada Sutta prophecy about Mettaya Buddha

Many missionaries are claiming their religious founder as the Mettaya Buddha that was prophesized  by our Lord Buddha. If their claims are true, it should fulfill all the conditions mentioned in the sutta. The conditions are summarized in the notes column.

Sutta excerpt :

Notes :
24. 'And in the time of the people with an eighty thousand-year life-span there will arise in the capital city Ketumati a King called Sankha, a wheel-turning monarch, a righteous monarch of the law, conqueror of the four quarters, who had established the security of his realm and was possessed of the seven treasures.
These are : the Wheel Treasure, the Elephant Treasure, the Horse Treasure, the Jewel Treasure, the Woman Treasure, the Householder Treasure, and seventh, the Counsellor Treasure.
He has more than a thousand sons who are heroes, of heroic stature, conquerors of the hostile army. He dwells having conquered this sea-girt land without stick or sword, by the law.

*1. King Sankha
*2. Human life-span is 80,000 years old.
*3. King Sankha posseses 7 treasures
*4. King Sankha has more than a thousand sons

25. 'And in the time of the people with eighty thousand-year life-span, there will arise in the world a Blessed Lord, an Arahant fully-enlightened Buddha named Metteyya, endowed with wisdom and conduct, a Well-Farer, Knower of the worlds, an incomparable Trainer of men to be tamed, Teacher of gods and humans, enlightened and blessed, just as I am now.
He will thoroughly know by his own super-knowledge, and proclaim, this universe with its devas and maras and Brahmas, its ascetics and Brahmins, and this generation with its princes and people, just as I do now. He will teach the Dhamma, lovely in the beginning, lovely in its middle, in the spirit and in the letter, and proclaim, just as I do now, the holy life in its fullness and purity. He will be attended by a company of thousands of monks, just as I am attended by a company of hundreds.

*1. When human life-span is 80,000 years old, a Buddha will appear in the world.
*2. His name is METTAYYA.
*3. Mettayya Buddha will be attended by thousands of MONKS.
26. 'Then King Sankha will re-erect the palace once built by King Maha-Panada and having, lived in it, will give it up and present it to the ascetics and Brahmins, the beggars, the wayfarers, the destitute. Then, shaving off hair and beard, he will don yellow robes and go forth from the household life into the homelessness under the supreme Buddha Metteyya.
Having gone forth, he will remain alone, in seclusion, ardent, eager and resolute, and before long he will have attained in this very life, by his own super-knowledge and resolution, that unequalled goal of the holy life, for the sake of which young men of good equal family go forth from the household life into homelessness, and will abide therein.
*1. King Sankha will re-erect King Panada’s palace.
*2. King Sankha will give it up after living in it.
*3. King Sankha will enter the monastic order under Mettayya Buddha.
*4. King Sankha will attain Nibbana.

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