5th May 2006 : Went to
'Thee Kong Thua', the Chinese folk religion's highest ranking deity's temple. To most adherents of the Chinese folk religion, he's the highest ranking supernatural power. He commands and the world moves. He determines everything, he is the Creator of Everything. The Chinese thank Him for all blessings in life and attribute difficulties in life due to His divine test on humankind. Many devotees come to this temple due to its high rank and believe that all prayers done here will go straight to the highest power, thus making the prayer more potent.
A host of other Chinese favourite divinities are housed here including the
Buddhas Shakyamuni, Amitabha and Medicine Buddha,
Bodhisatvas Kuan Yin, Wei To & Kwan Gong,
Chang Dao Ling (founder of mystical Taoism) ,
sages Lao Tzu (founder of philosophycal Taoism) & Kung Fu Tze (Confucious) ,
Dao Mu (9 Emperor Gods' Mother) ,
deities : Sun God, moon Goddess & OTHER divinities of nature.
# posted by reflective pen @ 4:43 am