Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Year Of Our Lord Buddha 2550, A Reflection

Buddhism began with Siddharta Gautama rediscovering the same Dhamma that leads to Nibbana which other Buddhas have discovered and unfolded. With that begin the Buddha’s noble mission to share the Dhamma with those beings whose eyes are covered with little dust. Since the Buddha’s time until the present moment, countless beings, from human beings to demons, kings to murderers, all who had the rare chance to listen and practice the Dhamma have benefited and attained various stages of sainthood. However, nothing is permanent, declared the Lord Buddha, including the Noble Buddha’s Sasana (Buddhism).

This Wesak marks 2,550 years of the Dhamma’s endurance in this world. If we reflect on what the Buddha said in Dhammapada 182, The Buddha had passed into Nibbana 2,550 years ago : that means no chance to see the Buddha! However, we are still fortunate to be able to study the Dhamma in its pristine form as preserved in the Tipitaka Pali and most importantly, we are born human! Imagine, being born in a place where the Buddha’s teachings are unknown, worst still being born in the four woeful planes (the realms of hell, hungry ghost, animals and asuras)! Being binded by bad kamma is bad enough, to perform unwholesome deeds through not knowing the Dhamma is even worse! The chain of kamma bind us even tighter in this Samsara!
Therefore, as long as the Dhamma still flourishes, we should make an effort to be better Buddhist! Those who are fortunate to thread on the Noble Eightfold path break the chain and attain Nibbana. Worldlings like us, who are still wandering in Samsara, should take heed the Buddha’s words :
於諸道之中,八聖道最勝;於諸諦之中,四聖諦最勝;於諸法之中,離欲(即涅槃)最勝;於諸二足(人類)之中,一切知者最勝。The Eightfold Path is the best of Paths. The best of truths are the Four Truths. The best of mental states is absence of passion. The best of people are the ones with insight. (Dhammapada 273)
這是唯一的道路,再無其他知見清淨之道。實踐此道能令魔王迷惑。This is the path. There is no other for the purification of insight. Enter upon this path. This is the deception of Mara. (Dhammapada 274 )
實踐此道,你將能滅苦。在親自知見這能拔除煩惱之刺的道路後,我對你們宣說此道。Having entered upon this path, you will make an end of suffering. Having realized how to remove the arrow, I taught this path to you. (Dhammapada 275)
你必須自己努力,如來只能指示道路。修禪者得以解脫魔王的束縛。(註:一切知者與如來都是佛陀的名稱。)You must make an effort. The Buddhas are only teachers. Those, who meditating entered upon this path, will be released from the bond of Mara. (Dhammapada 276)
We ourselves must walk the path. The Buddha settled His problem. He has shown us the way. The Buddha wants us to realize that we have wandered in Samsara long enough. We have become slaves to our greed, hatred and delusion for a very long time. With the Dhamma, we should learn to be above these three poisons that caused us enough suffering for millions of lifetimes!
Truly it is only by practice that Nibbana is attained! The value of a person who accepts the Buddha as his teacher, the Dhamma as his guide and the Sangha community as an inspiration (in other words, a Buddhist) is not in the number of times he does chanting, the number of times he goes to temple, the number of joss sticks he burns but the value lies in the Dhamma he practices.
A Buddhist who doesn’t know the Buddha’s teachings should start learning what he missed out! A Buddhist life is aimed at eradicating suffering through attaining Nibbana, it is not about doing mysterious rituals. Walk the Noble Eightfold Path and your're on the way towards Nibbana!