Monday, May 16, 2011
Itivutaka 106 Sabrahmaka Sutta [about parents' virtue]

This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard:
"Living with Brahma are those families where, in the home, mother & father are revered by the children.
Living with the first devas are those families where, in the home, mother & father are revered by the children.
Living with the first teachers are those families where, in the home, mother & father are revered by the children.
Living with those worthy of gifts are those families where, in the home, mother & father are revered by the children.
'Brahma' is a designation for mother & father. 'The first devas' is a designation for mother & father. 'The first teachers' is a designation for mother & father.'Those worthy of gifts' is a designation for mother & father. Why is that?
Mother & father do much for their children. They care for them, nourish them, introduce them to this world."
Mother & father, compassionate to their family, are called Brahma, first teachers, those worthy of gifts from their children. So the wise should pay them homage, honor with food & drink clothing & bedding anointing & bathing & washing their feet.
Performing these services to their parents, the wise are praised right here and after death rejoice in heaven.