Saturday, May 07, 2011
Real Peace

View our dailies,
filled to the brim
with news of grim,
raw gore of war,
where the dead lie uncountable
... caused by the few whose hearts untamed,
allowing jungle law to take its course.
Sage Gotama alloweth not
even for the sake of protecting the Sasana
a finger lift upon the aggressor
For He reasoned
For the sake of Dhamma all-holy
Returning aggression surely ain't worth
And aggression'd take one miles away from holiness!
Spake the Lord,
"Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world
By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased.
This is a law eternal."
And the Jatakas illustrate,
The Lord when He was an ascetic,
With limbs sawn-off,
Could still wish His aggressor well!
A wonder beyond wonder!
'tis principle of the truly Sage of Sages!
No sane man could ever do this sayeth many,
And many opt the easy way out
To go all out blinding the world
With an eye for an eye!
Some scriptures too fall short,
Dimmed in the Glory of the Truly Merciful Gotama,
When others were to smear His name
or the Sasana
those works claiming to be sagely did allow the hands to speak!
Yet to Him,
No harm should befall these opponents
Eternal words of the Lord echoes :
"... you should not be angry, resentful or upset on that account...
that would only be a hindrance to you....
Say: ‘That is incorrect, that is false, that is not our way, that is not found among us.’ ... "
Even in praise,
He alloweth not being pleased, happy or elated,
A hindrance it'd be
For those intent on the Holy Path
Pushing man to his limits,
Not recognizing any good for revenge
Nor any good in violent self-defense
Eternal Peace is truly found
In a path no other
Than the one thread on by the Holy Ones
Truly, a Prince of Peace
Who expounded The Religion of Peace
~ sampuna 24 Nov 2010 , kantor kolej
Labels: Buddhist poem