Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Some similar features between Buddhism & Islam

While what the Buddha taught was Dhamma [Truth,without any -isms attached to it], what Muhammad taught is merely Islam [submission to God - also without any -isms attached].
While we Buddhists take the Buddha as the supreme role model [not to be mistaken with 'object of worship], Muslims too take Muhammad to be their role model.
The Buddhist monastic practise [as in the Patimokha] is observed as long as one dons the robe. The mirror practise in Islam is observed during the Islamic pilgrimage[the Haj] when there is total abstinance of sexual activity.
1 Aug 2011
There exist among us,those who take the 'Words from the Teacher' only, while not touching the commentories/hadiths at all for such works are believed to have come from a 'not that perfect' source. It is also due to the view that the 'Words from the Teacher'[as in Tipitaka/Quran] is THE PERFECT SAY, and is THE COMPLETE GUIDE to the practitioners. Having another supplementary text is akin to saying The Teacher [as in Buddha/Muhammad] is imperfect, passing down incomplete guide. This is one group.
Another view holds that the commentories/hadiths sheds 'more' light to certain teachings.Hence,they are considered as a supplementory to the existing 'Words from the teacher' scripture. In the Theravada tradition,we can compare the teaching of some forest monks like Ajahn Buddhadassa, who's a good example of 'Teacher's Word Only',making a careful distinction it and later works.Check out his work on the Paticca Samupada.In the Islamic tradition, there's this Quran Only group.
Labels: Buddhism Islam, comparative religion